'I could feel the sky. The movement. The pressure. The unimaginable expanse! I love how the sky is nearly everything. The things on earth minimized.' T. Nero.


(2005 - 2024)

'I could feel the sky. The movement. The pressure. The unimaginable expanse! I love how the sky is nearly everything. The things on earth minimized.' T. Nero.

'my landscapes are me... I could always paint them.. When I look outside I see them and When I look inside I see them'.


(2005 - 2018)

'my landscapes are me... I could always paint them.. When I look outside I see them and When I look inside I see them'.

Arnold Parre:'Als Zeeland niet had bestaan was het wel uitgevonden door Van Nieuwenhuijzen'. David Holcombe:'Your low horizon lines are so dramatic and so very Dutch.'

Zeeland / little landscapes

(2006 - 2024)

Arnold Parre:'Als Zeeland niet had bestaan was het wel uitgevonden door Van Nieuwenhuijzen'. David Holcombe:'Your low horizon lines are so dramatic and so very Dutch.'

Buitendijkse/buitenduinse gebieden, zo kenmerkend voor de provincie Zeeland, vanuit vogelvlucht (zweefvliegtuig) bekeken.

Schorren/buitendijkse natuur

(2008 - 2017)

Buitendijkse/buitenduinse gebieden, zo kenmerkend voor de provincie Zeeland, vanuit vogelvlucht (zweefvliegtuig) bekeken.

'The wonderful thing about this series and your landscapes Nelly is that you absorb your whole being and psyche into the setting; you become one with the subject you are painting. It is for this reason that it is so brilliant, so alive and exciting. We can see and feel your heartbeat in them'. Olga Savvidis


(2009 - 2010)

'The wonderful thing about this series and your landscapes Nelly is that you absorb your whole being and psyche into the setting; you become one with the subject you are painting. It is for this reason that it is so brilliant, so alive and exciting. We can see and feel your heartbeat in them'. Olga Savvidis

Zeeuwse klederdrachten 'do they wear this by choice or are they required by law and customs to always go to such extreme conduct of dress? Would you equate this ornamentation as akin to the ritual covering afforted by the Burkas?' E. Houck.

Zeeuwse klederdrachten

(2010 - 2024)

Zeeuwse klederdrachten 'do they wear this by choice or are they required by law and customs to always go to such extreme conduct of dress? Would you equate this ornamentation as akin to the ritual covering afforted by the Burkas?' E. Houck.

Olga Savvidis: ' They are sirens of your imagination. They go to places and do things which you can only dream of! Strong, seductive images.'

little portraits

(2010 - 2014)

Olga Savvidis: ' They are sirens of your imagination. They go to places and do things which you can only dream of! Strong, seductive images.'

Van Nieuwenhuijzen started her artist career as a watercolourist and was known for the deep colours in her landscapes and her flower paintings.The sizes of her works are usually large ones, 60x80cm or more.


(1991 - 1994)

Van Nieuwenhuijzen started her artist career as a watercolourist and was known for the deep colours in her landscapes and her flower paintings.The sizes of her works are usually large ones, 60x80cm or more.